

In 2024, Light House taught 82 workshops to 1,193 students, resulting in 400 completed films; partnered with 58 local nonprofits and schools; had 34 acceptances to 28 different film festivals, with student films receiving 21 awards; and provided 63% of students with scholarships allowing them to attend at a free or reduced cost. 98% of our students reported improved creativity; 99% improved their collaboration skills; and 96% improved storytelling and critical thinking skills.


Throughout the year, we hold workshops and community events that give young people opportunities to build new and lasting skills. In addition to filmmaking and technical abilities, our students learn soft skills: collaboration, communication, planning, citizenship, creativity, and empathy.

We remove barriers to access to provide film education for all youth. Workshops take place in school, after school, or through community nonprofit partnerships. Our KEEP it Reel program provides tuition-free digital filmmaking workshops for under-resourced youth. 

We hold workshops for a wide range of ages, from elementary to college freshmen. Our Summer Film Academy is dedicated to teaching the art of filmmaking in 1 to 2-week-long workshops. Check out what we have to offer!



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How Can I Support Light House?

  • Community Projects

    Light House partners with 50+ Community Partners each year. Learn more about how you can partner with us on a film project!

  • Become a Sponsor

    Your contributions are essential to our growth and success! Thank you for considering a gift to Light House Studio. Click below to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.

  • Donate

    With your support, we’re able to fund scholarships for the youth, screenings, workshops, and more! Last year, we provided Financial Aid to 71% of our students.