CBS 19: New film festival celebrates experimental pieces

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) -- An experimental film festival will be taking place in Charlottesville this Saturday.

Light House Studio will be hosting the first-ever Odds and Ends Experimental Film Festival at its Vinegar Hill Theatre.

According to a release, this festival is focused on films and videos that push formal and conceptual boundaries, allowing for multiple ways of understanding and interpretation.

The aim is to celebrate a range of films across various modes and genres, especially newer filmmakers that are working outside of the normal commercial structures of the industry.

The release says this festival has been created in order to establish and foster a community in which experimental film can be seen and celebrated.

For its inaugural event, it will be presenting 23 films from around the world. Filmmakers from the United States, Canada, Sweden, Iran, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, and Argentina submitted their works.

The festival will begin at 6 p.m. Saturday.


Daily Progress: New experimental film festival debuts in Charlottesville this weekend


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